Category: AWS

AWS, Kubernetes, Tanzu, Telco, VMC, VMware

TKG with Multiple vCenters and VMC pt. 2

When I wrote this post I didn’t anticipate there would be a part 2. In that last post I got stumped trying to split a TKG cluster across multiple vCenter Servers, one being VMC’s hosted vCenter Server and the other vCenter Server I installed on VMC to manage remote ESXi hosts. Well I’m happy to report with some help from…Read MoreTKG with Multiple vCenters and VMC pt. 2

AWS, Kubernetes, Tanzu, Telco, VMC, VMware

TKG with Multiple vCenters and VMC

Just to set the tone, from a TKG side, this post is totally unsupported from VMware. In other words, don’t call GSS if you decide to do this. : ) With that out of the way, let’s dive in. We have a customer who is looking to get out of the datacenter business and wants to utilize VMC as much…Read MoreTKG with Multiple vCenters and VMC